If you had a choice, go for the PS3 version. These reviewers recommend it.
Game Trailers review: - mentions PS3 is the preferred console copy
GameSpot Review: PS3 version scores higher.
""The PlayStation 3 version features higher-quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better color saturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times. Minor visual hiccups, like corpses that disappear and reappear, are a bit more common on the PS3, however.""
If you're planning on getting Mass Effect 2 then I'd say the 360 because there is some Blood Dragon Armor that transfers over to ME2. Otherwise I'd get it for whichever system you prefer to play on. I have both but opted for the PS3 Collector's Edition because I prefer my PS3 and will wait awhile after it comes out before I get ME2, so not that big a draw for me to the 360 version.Dragon Age Origins PS3 or Xbox 360?
I got it for 360. I read one too many previews that said the PS3 version was glitchy and had poor framerate in some places, so I opted not to take a chance on it.
Plus since I pre-ordered I got a code for armor that can also be used in Mass Effect 2, which won't be out on PS3.
There is a review on IGN that compares the graphics on PS3, 360 and PC and I have to say that I could see no difference between PS3 and 360Dragon Age Origins PS3 or Xbox 360?
360, but I'm biased. I would think either would kick butt. Can't wait to get my copy!
which one do you own already? ps3 or 360
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