Saturday, February 25, 2012

PS3 No AV out. No signal or anything on TV?

I bought a PS3 lately for christmas for my kids off an online store. I kinda left it late so it only got here on monday. However i connected it to the TV (An old CRT one if your wondering, not a fancy HD). It just wouldn't come on when i connected it to the TV. I did the whole 3 beep hold your finger on the on button and to my surprise it came on the screen. Yay. Then i had a little fiddle round with some game. I hadn't turned it off yet as i was just using the home button to flick back and forth.

I then attempted to sort out my internet connection to see if it worked, when i got to the whole testing connection-Connecting to PSN- The screen went all funny and just froze. So i turned it off.

It then didn't come back on the screen, i tried the way i did it the first time and it didn't work. I then turned the back switch off and on then did the three beeps again. It came on. I then put dragon age in the console and it just went black when loading up, after 2 minutes i gave up and turned the console and it wouldn't come on at all. Now i'm not getting any output, and the previous methods of fixing it are not working. I see a little flickery thing on the screen, giving me the feeling that the tv is working properly, and the PS3 has the green light fine. I just don't get what's wrong.

Here are the specs BTW :

PS3 60GB model


Tried THREE BEEPS, Not working

Flicking on screen, not coming on.

I can't use another cable either.

Any help would be nice from you PS3 experts.

Any help would be nice thanks.PS3 No AV out. No signal or anything on TV?
Ok we will set it to factory deafult. Just do the steps I tell you. If you need more help e-mail me.

Ok...First make sure the PS3 has a red light on.

Now press and hold the on button in the front of the console until the console turns off and you see the red light again.

Now press and hold the on button until you here three beeps. After that take your finger off the PS3 and you should see a menu. There are 5 options pick the one that says set to deafult settings. Then it will do its thing and reset everything and you should be able to use it.

If it still acts up get back into that same menu and then go to I think option number 3 which fixes all corrupt files on your Hard Drive.

If you don't get into that menu the first time don't worry just try it again. It took me 3 times to get into it.

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