Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How can i make my xbox 360 run faster?

it lags a lot even when im offline. when i press the home button, the guide isnt smooth and the dashboard isnt smooth either. ive installed a couple of games like me2, dragon age 2, red dead, and halo reach on the console, but does that really affect the speed of my xbox 360?

i have the newer version of the xbox 360, the black slim one. thanks!How can i make my xbox 360 run faster?
I have the old Xbox 360 Elite. (Black)

It runs very smooth, it's just that when it plays disc games it *whirrs* or the fan gets louder. It's just because it's using a lot of memory to run the game.

Maybe a small portion of this problem comes from your internet. You know, all of the News and other things on the dashboard. It accesses the internet to obtain that information.

I honestly don't know what else could be causing this.

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