Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How do I repair a scratched video game disk?

Alright, here's the whole story. Before I tell it, the answer I'm looking for is "Can I repair this or not? And if so, what's the best way to do this?"

A while ago, I was moving an xBox from the basement to a room on the upper floor, the sitting room I call it.

I had the game Dragon Age in it, while I was moving it. The version of the game I have is the Ultimate Edition, which means it includes:

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Awakening

And all of the DLC.

So I moved the xbox, plugged it in, and turned it on. Almost immediately after I started it, I heard a whirring, and realized it was upside-down. Realizing my stupid mistake, I turned the xbox off and turned it right-side up as quickly as I could. This was a short amount of time I left it on like that, maybe 30 seconds.

I took out the disk to check for damage, and there's a long, clean scratch. It appeared as if as the console tried reading the disk, as it spun it left a mark because the console was upside-down.

Now when I try to play the game, it doesn't allow me to load a file or start a new game.

The game loads perfectly, however, the creators and the menu are fine. But as soon as the loading screen comes up when I try to load a previous game or start a new one, it starts loading.. Then tells me the disk is unreadable.

Is there any way to repair the disk?

If so, how can I do this?

I don't have much money, but if the best option costs money, I'd still like to know.

Please and thank you! D:

Dragon Age is my favorite game... T ^ THow do I repair a scratched video game disk?
well if its scratched take it to gamestop and they will fix it and if u move the xbox when playing it scratched the game if you jump run the sweeper it does the same so HEADS UP
Use toothpaste, you apply a little bit on a cloth and rub in a circular motion, then rinse off and it should be like new.How do I repair a scratched video game disk?
Your disc is probably scratched beyond anything you can do at home. Take it to a computer repair store and IF the game can be fixed, they will be the ones who can help.
Due to my experience with this type of disk damage (it destroyed my gta IV) am going to say no unfortunately it will not be possible to repair. also if you hold the disk up to a light and u can see light through the scratch it means the data layer is damaged in which case the disk is definitely beyond repairHow do I repair a scratched video game disk?
i've done this and its worked for me....i can't make any promises though. Get the cd and wet it in the sink.

grab a tube of tooth paste and squirt some on the cd. Apply a lot, not too much but enough to cover the entire surface of the cd. With your thumbs spread it thoroughly. When you're done, turn on your faucet and rinse the cd with warm water. ( cold works too but warms makes it come off easier) After that dry it with a cloth (something soft that won't scratch your cd more)

pop it back in n see if it works. Worked for me...

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