Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is the best PlayStation 3 RPG?

My Xbox recently got RROD, so now I'm getting a PS3 and have some money to get a couple games ($128.05, to be exact). I am really into RPGs, because I like to customize my character. I am definitely going to get Crysis 2 and inFAMOUS (the first one), which will leave me with $76.02. I was really into Dragon Age: Origins when I had it, but I only got through it once with a rogue because I couldn't kill the Archdemon (I sucked and gave up). I used to also have Dragon Age 2 for Xbox, and liked how you could control your attacks, but I got barely past the Deeproads expedition until it RRODed. I have about 5 choices: Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition, Dragon Age 2 Bioware Signature Edition, Fallout 3 GOTY, Final Fantasy, or Dungeon Siege III. I can get two of those 5 choices, unless there is anything better (and please don't say Oblivion, because I've beaten it about 5 times). I'm looking for one that has character customization, so can you please help?BTW I don't want any fanboy crap from you 360 fans, you have to admit the PS3 is the better console, so SHUTUP. Thanks!What is the best PlayStation 3 RPG?
Okay, Fallout 3 GOTY is a great game and has lots of play through hours and has good graphics. You can customize your person's face but not his body type. Unlike Oblivion, it has you picking, like, three classes in the beginning. But as you progress, you are able to get perks, based on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L points (strength, charisma, intellegence, etc.) and your skill points (sneak, small guns, speech, barter, etc.). I bought it about a year ago and still haven't got platinum.

I heard the most recent final fantasy is kind of crappy.

Oh, and PS3 is ALOT better than the Crapbox.What is the best PlayStation 3 RPG?
I've heard Demon Souls is good though it is very changeling I haven't played it but you may want to give it a goWhat is the best PlayStation 3 RPG?
Dungeon Siege III is pretty short. It can be beaten in a single day. Its basically to play co-op online. You can't go wrong with either Dragon Age 1 or 2. I would go with Final Fantasy XIII.You have never played it because its a PS3 exclusive. Its a great game too. Its only $19.99 so you might have enough for a 2nd game. I would pick up God of War Collection. Has both God Of Wat 1 and 2. Its fairly cheap and its another PS3 exclusive. Again, great games too.

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