Sunday, March 4, 2012

Baldurs gate like games?

are there any games like baldurs gate, neverwinter nights, or champions of norath comeing out or already out for the 360? i just love the weapons/armor customazation and the fact that like no matter how much you play you can always find a weapon beter than the one you have, or armor. and plus the classes, i have always been a mage or archer myelf, so does anybody know of games like this? preferably for newer consoles but if there are any newer ps2/gamecube ones feel free to post, thx in advance..oh and one more thing, i dont want games like oblivion or mass effect..or even dragon age origins ( it didnt live up to the pc standards on the 360 ).Baldurs gate like games?
The only game I can think of would be Oblivion on the 360. You can switch from 1st person to 3rd, very large world, lots to do and customize. Other than that... Fallout 3?

I game on PC, and PS3, so other than Oblivion, you could look into Fable 1 or 2 on the 360. I don't know too many games on 360 off hand.Baldurs gate like games?
well dam.. dragon age was meant to be like those games and was a very good game. If you didnt like that then there's probably no game that can meet your expectations.Baldurs gate like games?

Assassin's Creed 2 is coming out....

don't know how that's gonna end up though

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